The color lavender is important to the queer community. The color has historical significance representing power, pride and resistance. 

The 1930's saw the color lavender used to identify, and subsequently discriminate against LGBTQIA+ individuals.  Homosexual individuals were taunted for possessing a "dash" or "streak" of Lavender, meaning they did not ascribe to cisgender and/or heterosexual norms. The United States saw state-sanctioned discrimination during "The Lavender Scare"; a movement to purge homosexual individuals from the federal government. 

In August of 1969 lavender came to symbolize empowerment. Lavender colored arm bands, sashes, and other articles of clothing were worn by hundreds in a "gay power" march from Washington Square Park to The Stonewall Inn in NYC- to commemorate the Stonewall riots that occured a month prior. 

In 1970 the president of the National Organization for Women denounced lesbian membership in the feminist group, claiming the "lavender menace" would threaten the feminist movement. A group of lesbian activists reclaimed the title "lavender menace" as a source of pride in their identities, and in order to protest lesbian exclusion.

The color lavender represents the reclaiming of power. It represents pride in LGBTQIA+ identities. It represents authentic expression. It represents resistence by tboldly and loudly and authentically taking up space in a world that sometimes asks us to shrink ourselves. It represents empowerment. Those are the values of this therapy practice, so it only made sense to give this practice a big streak of LAVENDER.

ABBY MAHER, NCC, LMHC (she/her/hers)

I have been providing therapy services for 4 years.  I am also currently serving as President of the Florida Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE-FL). I believe in providing a safe, affirming space for all individuals to heal, grow, embrace their authenticity and experience empowerment. I look forward to meeting you!